ENTERPRISE – “ENTrepreneuship Experience and Rising PRofessionals In Sustainable Europe”
The project
This course has been prepared under the Erasmus+ project: ENTERPRISE – “ENTrepreneurship Experience and Rising PRofessionals In Sustainable Europe”,(project number: 2019-1-DE03-KA201-060125).
ENTERPRISE project is funded by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ programme, KA201 – Strategic Partnerships for school education and it involve 5 partners from different countries: Istituto Istruzione Superiore Statale Pio La Torre (Italy), Thora Storm videregående skole (Norway), CEIPES – Centro Internazionale per la promozione dell’educazione e lo sviluppo (Italy), AEVA – Escola Profissional de Aveiro s(Portugal), BALGARSKA AGENTSIYA ZA RAZVITIE (Bulgaria).
The “ENTrepreneurship Experience and Rising PRofessionals In Sustainable Europe” (ENTERPRISE) project aims at implementing collaboration among school staff (teachers, educators, project managers) and professionals in the field of sustainable work start-up at the European level in promoting intensive dissemination of newly produced teaching strategies and innovative ideas in the field of entrepreneurial education and sustainability.
Aims of the course
Today, students need to be goal-oriented, creative, and able to solve problems and come up with innovations, in order to be future responsible European citizens and workers.
This course will foster in young students the development of specific know-how, linguistic and socio-relational skills necessary for searching or creating job opportunities in a rapidly evolving sustainable Europe.
Within this course, professional development will take place through sharing good practices and experiences among teachers, students and experts in the field of entrepreneurship and sustainability at the European level.
The secondary aims of this course are to develop critical thinking, communication, financial literacy, and very important collaboration skills supporting entrepreneurial education and sustainability.
Course Outline
The course you are taking part in consists of:
- Module 1: Communication & Social Skills;
- Module 2: Creativity & Innovation;
- Module 3: Entrepreneurship & Green Deal;
- Module 4: Cooperative and Collaborative Work;
- Module 5: Social Media & Digital Entrepreneurship;
- Module 6: Taking the initiative;
- Module 7: Market Research;
- Module 8: Financial Literacy for Entrepreneurs;
- Module 9: How to develop sustainable business;
For each module, you will also fill in a self initial and final self-evaluation assessment and a test to evaluate your previous knowledge and the one acquired.
What should you do to successfully complete the course and receive a certificate?
1. Answer the questions in the initial self-evaluation and final self-evaluation of competencies.
2. Complete all the lessons and activities associated with them, that is:
- Open and read all lessons;
- Open and read all prepared materials, files and resources;
- Read and do exercises related to the lesson;
- Answer the questions in the test at the end of each lesson.
3. Deadline: you should complete the course by September 30, 2021.
At each stage of the course, you will find an explanation of what is going on in the given activity and what should be done to perform it correctly.
Good luck!
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